You have my permission
Me with my editor
Like everyone else, I’ve been hungry for good news.
Most of us have suffered in one way or another this year. And often good news turns out to be not that good.
Election is over…good news for some, bad news for others, and of course we’ll have to wait until Jan 20th to see if a transition really happens.
Vaccine coming..but of course it’ll take most of next year to vaccinate the whole world, and my mom says it hurts like hell going into your arm
Due to Covid, you won’t have to spend the holidays trying not to get triggered by your family’s dynamics or their politics, but you miss your Mom’s stuffing, and hey, how do you learn to play with others if you don’t practice?
BUT THERE IS ONE PIECE OF PERFECT GOOD NEWS. No downside, no ‘buts,’ no nothing…….Hallmark Xmas movies started in October this year!!! Yes, a world where everything ends up happily, and more importantly, LIFE IS FAIR.
When I’m extremely anxious, or overwhelmed, it’s all I can watch. It asks nothing of me except to sit back and enjoy the decorations covered in warm, gooey feelings. It’s the antidote to 2020. And you never know which stars will show up in one. (See the video below.)
So go ahead, you have my permission. Grab some cocoa, popcorn, or whatever floats your boat and tune in.
Happy Holidaze!
P.S. Hallmark Xmas movies are for everyone despite their beliefs. They’re usually filled with spirit, love and eye candy, but aren’t trying to convert anyone. They just want to sell cards. :-)
P.S.S. How are you de-stressing during our first pandemic holiday season? Please share. I need all the ideas I can get.
RADICAL RESOURCES FROM THE LIBRARY: Holiday craft kits. Many libraries create Take and Make bags/kits for younger patrons to do at home that engage, educate, and entertain. For ex. my library is doing: VIRTUAL Maker Club: Let's Make Ornaments! Just in time for the winter holidays, create a trio of ornaments that incorporate STEAM elements. How cool is that?!
YOUTUBE VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Craving happily ever after but don’t have time to sit through a whole movie? Check out this montage of the best Hallmark Xmas movies brought to you in under 4 mins. Plus you can spend a few seconds with Princess Leia. Click and enjoy!